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良友國內旅遊‧FRIENDSHIP TAIWAN 國內旅遊旅首頁 ->挑選行程->行程說明->填寫訂單
  日月潭. 台南. 高雄. 墾丁. 太魯閣台灣五天環島巴士觀光--五日
費用:NT$15900元起 每週一~2013/12/30止 2人以上成行


Pick-up: AM 08:00~09:00
At: hotel lobby
Tour fare: NT$ 15,900
Child fare: NT$ 12,700
※All included except lunch & dinner
※Single supplement NT$ 6,800
※Passport is needed for enplaning

出發時間 : AM 08:00~09:00
集合地點 : 飯店大廳
成人費用: NT$ 15,900
兒童費用: NT$ 12,700
※費用不包括午晚餐 (僅含早餐)
※單人房加收NT$ 6,800

第一天 台北飯店出發-乘巴士往南投-日月潭環湖觀光

To be picked up from hotel lobby, we will drive to Sun Moon Lake which is located in the middle of Taiwan and situated 762 meters above sea level in the lofty mountains of Central Taiwan. Tour will stop at the famous Wenwu Temple or Literature Warrior Temple dedicated to Confucius as Master of Pen and to Kuan Ti as Master of Sword, peacock garden, Holy Monk Shrine and Tse-En Pagoda. After touring round Sun Moon Lake, proceed to hotel for check in, enjoy SPA & Hot Spring bath at hotel, stay overnight at Sun Moon Lake.

Hotel: Fleur De Chine, Sun Moon Lake – ( Mountain View ) or similar

台北住宿飯店集合出發,驅車前往台灣中部的名勝地“日月潭國家風景區"。日月潭是台灣的水庫湖泊型風景區中最受矚目的湖泊,位於中台灣南投縣,海拔762 公尺,全潭面積一百多平方公里,湖面周圍33 公里,北半部形如日輪,南半部形如月鉤,故而得名。我們將乘巴士參觀日月潭周圍的風景點文武廟、德化社、慈恩塔、玄奘寺等。夜宿於日月潭

宿:日月潭雲品飯店(山景房) 或同級

早餐:敬請自理  午餐:敬請自理   晚餐:敬請自理
第二天 日月潭-佛光山-高雄

Breakfast at hotel, then we will drive to Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Monastery, the most famousBuddhist sacred place of southern Taiwan. Here you will learn about Buddhism during the monastery walking tour, and there will be chance to taste Buddhist vegetarian lunch (at your own cost) and communicate with some of the monks, nuns during the visit to the Main Shrine, Great Buddha Land where you will find a huge Buddha statue. Continuously, we will drive to Kaohsiung City, which is the second largest city of Taiwan. The tour will take you to Former British Consulate, Love River and Lio Ho Night Market. Overnight at Kaohsiung

Hotel: Grand Hi-Lai Hotel, Kaohsiung or similar

早餐後,驅車經高速公路前往南台灣佛教聖地 ─ 佛光山,您可以在朝山會館自費品嚐午齋,安排徒步參觀大雄寶殿、大佛城及接引大佛像等。繼續前往南台灣最大城、台灣最大商港,也是台灣第二大都市 ─ “高雄"。晚上,我們將參觀六合夜市及愛河夜景。
飯店:高雄 漢來大飯店 或同級

早餐:飯店內享用  午餐:敬請自理   晚餐:敬請自理
第三天 高雄-墾丁-台東

Morning tour to Kenting National Park, located at Taiwan’s southern tip and the 37miles of coral-rimmed shoreline along three sides of the park provide its main attractions. Stops will be made at Oluanpi light house, Maopitou coastal scenic area and Kenting forest recreation area. Continuously we will drive to Taitung via Southern Link Highway. Overnight at Taitung.

Hotel: Naruwan Hotel, Taitung or similar


飯店:台東娜路彎大酒店 或同級

早餐:飯店內享用  午餐:敬請自理   晚餐:敬請自理
第四天 台東-東部海岸-花蓮

After breakfast, it will be an exciting East Coast National Scenic Tour. The East Coast National Scenic Area, known as "Taiwan's last unspoiled land", stretches 170 kilometers down the east coast of the island. Weathering, erosion, and accumulation have produced a wide range of landforms here. Our tour will stop at Siaoyeliou, Sansientai, Stone Steps, Caves of the Eight Immortals. Late afternoon, we will proceed to Hualien for overnight stay.

Hotel: Silks Place Taroko or similar

早餐後,驅車前往東部海岸國家風景區。東部海岸國家風景區位於花蓮、台東縣的濱海部份,綿亙於海岸山脈東側以及太平洋之間,北起花蓮溪口,南迄小野柳風景特定區,擁有長達170 餘公里的海岸線,是台灣面積最大的國家風景區。東海岸地形結構以石梯坪、三仙台及小野柳三處景觀最具色。之後我們將繼續驅車前往花蓮,夜宿於花蓮。
飯店:太魯閣 晶英酒店 或同級

早餐:飯店內享用  午餐:敬請自理   晚餐:敬請自理
第五天 花蓮-太魯閣-台北

After breakfast, a whole day visit to Taroko National Park. Taroko Gorge is an exceptionally beautiful, narrow raving created by the Liwu river which has cut deep into the mountains of solid marble. A road carved into sheer walls of rock rewinding its way past forested peaks and cliffs towering thousands of feet above it, while hundreds of feet below a river roars past gigantic marble boulders. Stops will be made at Eternal Spring Shrine, Swallow Grotto, Tunnel of Nine Turns, Marble Bridge, Tienshiang and marble factory. We will drive back to Taipei via Su-Hwa Highway and Hsuei-Shan Long Tunnel (12.9 Kms) to arrive at around 7 PM.


早餐:飯店內享用  午餐:敬請自理   晚餐:敬請自理

※ 單人房加收NT$ 6,800
※ 需帶護照


